What Does IoT Technology Mean?

The phrase the Internet of Things (IoT) means any item or machine component can have sensors installed to monitor working conditions, performance levels and physical states. In the building business, this refers to telematics. Each device that is equipped with these sensors can connect to a central database, and each device will feed real-time data about various metrics that apply to their immediate working environment.

Internet of Things Technology – A Simple Explanation

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT technology has been integrated into many commercial appliances, from refrigerators and thermostats and even retail stores. This technology allows businesses to improve their operations, and many construction companies are beginning to use IoT technology to enhance their business model and improve their revenue.

IoT Technology Is Already Used In Many Construction Sites

While it may seem futuristic, integrating IoT technology into construction sites is not that far off. This technology already exists, and many companies know how to purchase and integrate this emerging technology into their existing infrastructure.

From optimizing workflows in the work zone to monitoring fuel usage, construction companies will be able to leverage IoT technology to improve the efficiency and safety of their construction zones. Let’s take a look at the top three ways that IoT technology will help construction companies improve their operations and make work zones safer for workers and civilians alike!

1) Integrating IoT Technology Into Construction Equipment

IoT technology is already being used in construction zones to increase efficiencies and safety for workers. Everything from “smart glasses” that employees use to provide work instructions is being tested to see how real-time data can help workers complete their tasks.

Another way that construction equipment is using IoT technology to improve safety is by embedding sensors into construction safety cones that communicate with heavy equipment vehicles. Instead of relying on expensive on board technology, the sensors in traffic safety cones are inexpensive and can deliver to vehicles about the presence of power lines, water mains, or working for construction staff.

2) Equipment Servicing And Repair

Sensors in machines allow them to transmit information regarding their status and any demand for repairs or service. Fixing machines before they fracture makes more sense of waiting for the collapse, which by Murphy’s Law is so likely to occur just at the worst time.

Construction companies place these sensors on various components of their valuable equipment so they can proactively prevent costly equipment breakdowns. These sensors provide a way for construction companies to increase productivity by reducing the amount of downtime so they can reach their delivery time and budget.

3) Power and Gas Savings

Power and Gas Savings

One of the biggest financial impacts that IoT technology will have on construction companies is the ability to place sensors on vehicles to monitor and reduce power and gas consumption. If a construction company wants to lower the cost of gas and electricity at work sites, they will need to place a sensor on equipment so they can track gas consumption on vehicles and after-hour lighting can be adjusted for energy-savings.

Once work sites understand which cars are driving up operation costs, they will be able to reduce idling time (which uses fuel) with flexible service schedules. This modified program will optimize machine operation without needing vehicles to be turned on and off repeatedly.

IoT Technology Is Reshaping The Future Of Construction

The future of construction efficiency and safety looks bright as construction companies are integrating IoT technology into modern vehicles, equipment, and security devices. These devices will provide real-time analytics for employees, assets, and equipment to help construction companies improve to increase their bottom line with original data and safety precautions. 🙂

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